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Release Notes - July 2022

 1 Minute



 July 30th, 2022

Major Enhancements

Separation of roles and access levels

We have now separated the concept of roles from access inside the embedADAPT platform.  Previously, any role could have access permissions associated with it which were very flexible, but it led to a lot of confusion and complexity.  This led to undesirable things, such as:

  • Access Levels held by a person being confused with actual roles they hold in an organisation. Whilst this can be useful to give someone an organisation role and additional access, it was rarely used.
  • It was unclear as to which roles had access and which didn't.  This information was previously only visible to those with the permission to add new access levels.  It's much clearer now, as organisation roles are simply roles within your organisation and have no connection to the access a user will receive.


SaaS billing model

Note: This information on the SaaS billing model is purely informational at this time, no action on your part needs to be taken.  If you do wish to know more, then please speak to your coach or ADAPT.

Subscriptions to embedADAPT will eventually move to a standard SaaS pricing model -one based on the number of users associated with your organisation).  At this point in time, this billing model is not active, and the timing to activate this has not been determined.

This billing model required us to introduce the concept of user types - with a specified level of access for each of these user types.

In order of increasing access and flexibility we have defined the following user types:

  • No access - for external stakeholders whom you might want to record in embedADAPT, but they don't use the system in any way
  • Participants - for people who can view the organisation guidance, view team data, and participate in surveys
  • Collaborators - for team leaders and members who are actively using the system
  • Leaders - a fully flexible user type where custom access can be defined. 

Viewer & Collaborator access are user types with restricted access.  Through discussions with our user base, we feel these types of users will be flexible enough for most organisations.


Minor Enhancements

  • Coaches can now be assigned Kanban items
  • Survey questions are now numbered
  • The add/edit document dialog is now wider making for much easier data entry
  • In the organisation configuration, labels can now be edited

  • Related objectives shown on the objectives page, now also show the team they are in (if relevant)


Bug Fixes

  • When a process map was exported to an embedADAPT Kanban board, the items were created in the reverse order.
  • Sometimes, when deleting elements in embedADAPT, or navigating through the embedADAPT interface, an error toastr would incorrectly appear. These errors have been fixed, and the erroneous toastr messages should no longer appear.

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