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Single Sign-On (SSO)

 1 Minute



 January 9th, 2025

Single sign-on (SSO) is an optional feature available for all users. SSO allows you to login to the adapt platform using your existing Microsoft or Google login.


Supported Accounts

We support the following accounts:

  • Organization Microsoft 365 accounts
    • Personal accounts are not supported. Any account used must belong to an organisation or school.
    • This may require a Microsoft admin to approve the adapt app. There are notes at the bottom of this article regarding this.
  • Google Workspace accounts


Logging In

When visiting our login page, you will see the following options:

By clicking either the Microsoft or Google option, you will be redirected to their respective login page.

For existing adapt users, your account will only automatically login if your Microsoft/Google account email exactly matches your adapt login.

If your account details do not match, the following options are available to you:

  • Manually link your Microsoft/Google account via the “My Configuration” page. This will be detailed below.
  • Update your adapt login email to match your Microsoft/Google account. You can read the following article to find out how to do this: How do I change my login email?


Linking to an existing adapt account

If you already have an adapt login, you can follow these steps to link your Microsoft or Google acccount with your adapt account:

  1. Select the “Config” option in the sidebar.
  2. Click on the “My Configuration” link in the sidebar.
  3. Select the “Account login & security” option.
  4. Scroll down to the “Single sign-on (SSO)” section

You can then click the "Sign in" button for the service you'd like to login using.

Once you've signed in to either your Microsoft or Google accounts, it will show like below:


Signing Up

Newly invited users can sign in via Microsoft or Google instead of setting a password. If they opt to not set a password, they will not be able to remove SSO access from their account until they set a password.

The following will be visible for newly invited users, after they click the link in the email they receive:

Once they login using Microsoft or Google, that account will be associated with their adapt account, and they will be able to use that account to login in the future.

As they do not have a password for their account set, they will see the following in their “My Configuration” page:

Without a password, the user must have at least one configured external account.


Microsoft Setup

Signing in via SSO may have to be approved by your organisation's Microsoft administrator. Users will not be able to sign in using SSO until this occurs. 

The Microsoft administrator will be able to approve the application within the login page, so it is recommended they are the first people to use SSO within your organisation.

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