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Analyse Career Valuation Timeline

 0 Minutes



 December 20th, 2022

The Analyse Timeline page allows you to see at a glance how your organisation has performed over time. This graph can take some time to build as it fetches data from your organisation in three-monthly intervals from when you subscribed to ADAPT.

Analysis Filters

The filter feature allows you to be more specific in your analysis. By default, the analysis will show all active people in your organisation.

Team & Cultural Leader Filter

The most common filter is the team and cultural leader filter.  Simply select the desired team/person and the data will be filtered accordingly

Profile Filter

Profile filters are for more complex filtering where people aren't in common teams or have a common cultural leader, but they share some other common trait (e.g. they are all in the 'Perth' office). This requires you to set up some custom profile categories and populate the values, but if you do this then it can become a powerful way to filter your results.

The profile filter allows you to select simple string based profile items (i.e not dates or large strings), and then to select one value to filter data by.

In the example above, we have selected the profile item 'Alignment' from the list, and then the profile item value 'Lawful Good' from the value list. This filters out anyone who does not match this criteria.

Differential Filter

The differential filter is a handy tool to find people who have large differences in their ideal and actual values.

An example of this filter might be:

This filter is specifying that where the actual value is less than 70% of the ideal value, and where the person has rated the ideal as greater than 20. All people who match this criteria will be displayed.

Using this filter is great for finding people who have marked something as really important to them, but the organisation is not delivering on that.

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