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Understanding the Economic Engine

 0 Minutes



 December 19th, 2023

Value streams describe the product or service you take to market.

The Market

Describe the organisation's market, such as business type, business to business or business to consumer, industry, size or geography. 

Adapt’s market is owner-led businesses operating in Australia with 10 – 250 employees.

Customer Roles and Customer Stories

Here you are looking to articulate the different customer roles in a business that will influence the decision to do business with an organisation. There is always more than just the obvious decision-maker. Identify the various roles and flesh out what the customer story is for each role. What unique needs to that role should be satisfied?

Understand the Offering 

A number of elements make up the full offering - this is more than just the product or service an organisation delivers.

Offering = Product/Service + Point of Difference + Commercial Model + Value Stream Flow 

Product/Service Description - describes the set of products and services being taken to market.

Point of Difference - Who are the competitors? What makes them different? Why would a customer buy their products and services over another business doing something similar? 

Commercial Model - describes the commercial interaction with the customer. How do they pay for the goods and services on offer?

Critical Customer Flow - a series of linear events that document the contact a customer group has with the business. It is captured in the Value Stream, as in the example below.

Critical Customer Flow Worksheet
Organisation 4 Zones Canvas
Key Organisation Function Worksheet

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