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Create a new meeting template

 0 Minutes



 January 10th, 2025

Within a team

You can have meeting templates that are specific to a team.

  1. Click the Configuration link in the sidebar panel
  2. Navigate to the team you'd like to create a template within
  3. Click the “Meetings” section
  4. Click “Add meeting template”



  1. Click the Configuration link in the sidebar panel
  2. Click on the “Organisation Configuration” link
  3. Under the Organisation heading, click on “Meetings”
  4. On the right-hand side of the screen, click on “Add meeting template”


Creating Templates

From here you can create your template. Enter a name for the template and add the recurring agenda items you want to have.

Add each agenda item, which can also be edited, deleted or moved as necessary. Save & Close when done.


What happens next?

When you schedule a meeting you can then import the agenda template you created.




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