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Using Labels in your Organisation

 1 Minute



 November 23rd, 2023

The label feature in embedADAPT allows you a very flexible way of categorising elements of the platform. Currently you can add labels to:

  • Key Functions
  • Teams
  • Roles
  • Kanban Items
  • Objectives
  • Systems
  • Process Maps


Some notes about labels:

  • Labels are global across your organisation. If a label is first defined in a Kanban item, then it is available everywhere else that labels can be used.
  • Labels can be created by anyone with the edit permissions for that object. If someone can edit a Kanban item, then they will have permission to create a label.
  • Labels and search are fully integrated, clicking on a label will navigate to the search screen and show all usages of the label

Here are some examples of how we think you could use labels in your organisation.

  • For project based teams you might have a large number of projects. You could create a new Kanban board per project, or you could use a label to quickly categories the kanban item.
  • To categorise teams by their physical location (e.g. Western Australia, Queensland).
  • To link objectives and kanban items in various teams across your organisation. This might be used to tie a short-lived project team to a particular organisation objective (e.g. Project Alpha, Project Beta).
  • To enable a simple review process of your platform. One example, might be a organisation leader who is reviewing the roles in your organisation. They might use labels such as 'To Review', 'In Review', 'To Be Deleted', etc.
  • To store priorities of kanban items. One simple example might be to set some labels such as 'High Priority', 'Low Priority' to better enable analysis of your work in progress.

    Another example of kanban prioritisation is the common "ABC-123" methods of task planning

And a tip…

You can colour your labels using any unicode character, like this:

Search for unicode characters in your search engine and you'll find something like this: 

Copy and paste and off you go. 


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